
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Blue Cheese Tart with Tomato Jam Topping

How many times do you have grand plans for an ingredient and just doesn't happen. A hunk of blue cheese has been taunting me in the refrigerator for a couple of days because I didn't make the tofu "buffalo" wings that would have been accompanied by a great blue cheese dressing.

Enter a desire for a savory tart, a subsequent google search and the appearance of a "blue cheese tart." I mean really, could the universe have been more specific!

Not wanting to go to the store - this is how my laziness manifests - tomato jam was substituted for the fresh tomato and avocado and we pronounced it delicious! With some homemade ricotta on hand, this came together in a snap, but the extra egg was added due to the dryish nature of the homemade ricotta; most store bought is a little more loose.

I apologize for all of the abundance of sub-recipes. But really, use store bought crust and ricotta to make things easier, I just happen to have them on hand. If you don't have tomato jam - Really??!! You don't have it in your fridge at all times!! (wink wink). I would go with some thinly sliced tomatoes or even some salsa with a sprinkle of sugar and some lemon juice; it helps balance the richness of the tart.

Blue Cheese Tart with Tomato Jam Topping (adapted from Food)
(serves 3-4)

1 tart crust (make your own Olive Oil Press in Pan Crust)
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups firm ricotta cheese (make your own)
1 cup blue cheese, crumbled
1 small shallot, minced
2-3 tablespoons tomato jam (make your own)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. If you have a store bought crust, bake for 10 minutes until firm. Remove and set aside to cool.

Whisk eggs and add ricotta cheese and blue cheese and blend well; add shallot. Season with salt and pepper and smooth into crust. If you have store bought ricotta, strain off any extra liquid so the filling firms up well. Spread Tomato jam on top and bake for 20 to 25 minutes until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove from oven and allow to cool for at least 5 minutes.


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