
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Buckwheat Crepes with Artichokes, Tomato Jam and Chevre

Before moving to Arcata crepes were not high on my must eat or make list. A trip to Renata's Creperie changed all that! While it's lovely to eat out and be served, it is equally fun to try and replicate the goodness as home. This recipe worked beautifully!

Crispy edges, moist and spongy crepes, and any fillings my heart desired! It's a new meal for the weekend brunch menu and so many new ideas to try out! In this version, the tomato jam, chevre and artichoke hearts was the favorite. But the swiss chard, mushroom and chevre was a close second. Serve them with a dollop of sour cream, creme fraiche or yogurt if you like.

What I really loved about this batter was how easily it fried up; there was no broken, messy first one. They were beautiful from the get go! Make sure you're using large eggs; smaller ones may require an extra egg or half. Also, I did use spelt flour here, so if you are using regular wheat flour, you may need a tablespoon or two more of the milk.

Also, if possible, make the batter the night before and allow it to sit in the refrigerator covered with plastic wrap overnight. This step allows it to thicken and makes for a smooth batter that cooks up beautifully.

Buckwheat Crepes with Artichokes, Tomato Jam and Chevre
(serves 3-4)

1 cup white spelt flour (use up to 2 tablespoons more milk if you're using regular wheat flour)
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
2 eggs
pinch salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 cups milk

1 1/2 cups artichoke hearts, chopped
2 cups tomato jam (make your own)
6 oz chevre

Whip eggs with a whisk, add in both flours, salt, sugar and milk and whip well. If possible, allow to sit over night, covered with plastic wrap. The batter may develop a film on top with bubbles; do not be alarmed, just whip it back in to the batter.

Heat a skillet or flattop grill over medium high heat. Swirl on a teaspoon of oil and spread evenly. Using a ladle, spoon on about 1/3 cup batter and swirl it around with the bottom of the ladle. It should cook like a pancake, with bubbles appearing to indicate that the bottom is cooked. Flip carefully with a long flat metal spatula (like a fish spatula) and as soon as you have flipped it, begin layering on the fillings. First dab chevre down the middle, leaving a 1/2 inch border on each end; then sprinkle on artichoke hearts and lastly smear on about 2 tablespoons of tomato jam. Using the long edge of the spatula, make an indentation along the filling; then flip the edge of the crepe up on top of the filling mound; do the same on the other side. Allow the crepe to cook another minute and then flip it once to ensure the folded edges cook together. Place the cooked crepe on a baking sheet in the oven on low heat. Repeat with the remaining batter and fillings.

Serve with yogurt, sour cream or creme fraiche.


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