
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Squash Fritters with Tomato Jam

It happens to the best of us, and the longer you cook, the more often it pops start to feel guilty about dreading summer's bounty.

There, I said it, out loud.

We all have these moments when we can't look at another tomato or cucumber or heaven forbid, the dreaded summer squash. It's like they're haunting us, screaming at us,

        "But I'm so fresh! and ripe! and Local! Why don't you want me anymore??"

So we begrudgingly buy them and allow them to rot in our crisper and turn a blind eye when we have to toss them in the compost bin, making some lame excuse that we just didn't get to them in time. Well, here's the cure, really. This recipe will eat up all of those squash because not only are they delicious, but they cook down 3-4 of those buggers!

These are pretty basic in the flavors, but feel free to add spices - paprika, cumin, coriander would all be good. Or just keep them simple and add fun condiments like the Tomato Jam pictured above. Go wild! Summer's almost over!

Squash Fritter with Tomato Jam

3-4 medium squash, shredded
2 eggs
2 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
10 leaves basil
olive oil for frying
tomato jam (DIY Pantry)

Shred squash on large holes of box grater into large bowl and sprinkle about 1 teaspoon of salt over all and mix well with your hands. Allow to rest 30-45 minutes so salt brings out the moisture. Dump squash into large square of cheesecloth or thin dish cloth and squeeze out as much liquid as possible. Return to bowl and mix in eggs, flour, salt and basil and combine well. Heat skillet on medium heat for at least 10 minutes and then add 1/4 inch of oil to pan. Use your fingers to pick up good pinch of squash mixture and fry on both sides until golden brown, replenishing oil as needed to cook all. Keep fritters warm in the oven while you complete the frying process. Serve with tomato jam or other favorite condiment.


Recipes currently inspiring me:

Roasted Asparagus and Mushroom Carbonara at Closet Cooking
Quick Masala Dosa at Holy Cow!
Lemony Kale Salad with Avocado Coconut Dressing at Garden of Eating

1 comment:

  1. This is making me salivate just reading it. I'm definitely going to try it! Not sure what kind of squash is in season in Vietnam right now but I will see:)
